Alyssa Pingitore

Alyssa Pingitore. Dedicated member of the CCOE.

Alyssa Pingitore, an exceptional Human Research Quality Manager at Boston University School of Medicine, demonstrates a profound commitment to human subjects research conduct and regulatory compliance. With over five years of experience in the field, she has developed a significant passion for substance use disorder interventional research and ethics.

At Boston University, Alyssa is instrumental in conducting thorough quality assurance reviews of human subjects research, ensuring adherence to the highest standards. Her ability to independently write comprehensive QA review reports and effectively disseminate findings to various institutional stakeholders, such as the IRB and Research Compliance Officer, is a testament to her expertise and dedication.

Prior to this role, Alyssa's four years as a Senior Research Assistant at Boston Medical Center's Department of Psychiatry were pivotal. Here, she led clinical trials focusing on the off-label use of FDA-approved medications to treat alcohol use disorder. This work was aimed at discovering novel interventions and expanding treatment options for substance use disorders, addressing the addiction epidemic in the U.S. Her role involved managing multiple NIH/NIAAA-funded RCTs, contributing significantly to the field of addiction medicine.

Alyssa is also currently pursuing a Master of Public Health degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Boston University School of Public Health, reflecting her commitment to tackling chronic and non-communicable diseases. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Connecticut, where she also engaged in research aimed at developing novel treatments for medication-resistant schizophrenia.

In addition to her academic and professional achievements, Alyssa has made significant contributions to the field through her published works, including studies on incidental findings in human subjects research and the frequency of data concealment in studies.

Her current role at the Cannabis Center of Excellence, INC (CCOE), as a Master of Public Health Intern, involves writing and disseminating findings (publications, presentations, press releases) and data analysis. Her multifaceted role at CCOE also includes providing ad-hoc assistance with various tasks, showcasing her versatility and adaptability in the field.

Alyssa's extensive skills in clinical research, quality assurance, Good Clinical Practice, and her deep understanding of federal regulations make her an invaluable asset in human research quality management and ethical clinical trial design.


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